Video Interviews

Video: Rogue One Cast Does Their Best Vader Impressions

by | December 14, 2016 | Comments


RT Senior Editor Grae Drake talked to the stars of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Riz Ahmed, Mads Mikkelsen, Ben Mendelsohn, and Donnie Yen) about a variety of Star Wars topics. First, everyone took their best shot at a Darth Vader impression, then she tried to find out who in the cast is strongest with the Force. We also asked them to tell RT how the film ends (with varying success),  got a good collection of alibis to use on stormtrooper stooges, and Diego Luna told us about an important object that does NOT exist in the Star Wars universe! Then Grae challenged Felicity Jones to an “All About Jyn” pop quiz, and got a Force-related directing lesson from Gareth Edwards.