
Street Fighter vs. Tomb Raider vs. Mortal Kombat vs. Resident Evil

Four Rotten video game movie franchises face off as Mark Ellis determines which fan favorite or cult classic series shall reign supreme.

by | May 28, 2021 | Comments

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What do the four most successful – if not beloved – video game movie series have in common? They feature exclusively Rotten movies! But that doesn’t mean the Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tomb Raider, and Resident Evil films don’t pack in the kind of fun set pieces and memorable characters that fans of their origin games are looking for, and which have kept those fans coming back for more. In the latest episode of Vs., Mark Ellis is powering up and deciding which long-running video game movie series is the best of all, despite what critics might say. He’s breaking it all down in five rounds: Box Office, Tomatometer and Audience Score, Characters, Best Foot Forward, and a special wild card round. Will it be the terrifying zombie action of the Resident Evil films or the bloody fatalities of Mortal Kombat? Or will Lara Croft swing in from nowhere to take the W? (We’d throw in a hypothetical Street Fighter win, but… let’s be real here.) Don’t agree with Mark’s ultimate call? “Finish him”… non-brutally, in the comments.

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