Stan Lee Promises Many, Many Marvel Movies

Still no word on a Howard the Duck reboot.

by | December 21, 2007 | Comments

Get ready for a lot more movies based on Marvel characters — according to Stan Lee, the company is leaving no major character unfilmed.

While walking the red carpet before receiving his Lifetime Achievement Award at the Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival, Lee stopped to answer a few questions, and Collider was there to chime in (and, thankfully, write the whole thing down). After promising that his cameo in next year’s Iron Man is “the greatest,” Lee dished on some of what we can expect from his company, POW! Entertainment, in the near future:

I’ve got three movies that are being developed at Disney. We’re working on some television shows. We’re working on an animated movie with Paris Hilton and another one with Ringo Starr.

Perhaps Paris and Ringo will be starring in a Caveman remake?

Lee then gets down to business, telling Collider that he “can’t think of an important Marvel character that isn’t being primed for a movie,” and responds to half-serious rumors about a feature adaptation of the publisher’s old “kid heroes” book, Power Pack:

They’ve been talking about — now they’re not working on it but they have been discussing whether to do it — “Power Pack.” They’ll be doing “Submariner,” “Captain America,” “The Avengers,” “Nick Fury.”

Can’t you just hear the casting rumors multiplying like bunnies?

Source: Collider