Some of the "Knight Rider" Rumors Are Ironed Out...

by | September 22, 2006 | Comments

To the nine of you who simply cannot WAIT for the "Knight Rider" movie, AICN is where you want to get your updates. Lots of rumors have been swirling around about the silver screen adaptation of the TV show about a curly-haired hero and his semi-human autotmobile, but now we’ve got some real news…

From AICN: "The leaked car image is 100% fake — like the other images plastered all over imdb’s Knight Rider message boards. People are on the right track, but they’re living too much in the past, and thinking too far into the future.

The Knight Rider movie is indeed moving forward, but the script is still being worked on. The script will not involve (David) Hasselhoff & will lean towards remaking the pilot episode, "Knight of the Phoenix", with a modernized take. In Hollywood, everyone wants to turn a movie into a franchise or trilogy: relaunching the concept as a franchise for a new generation has been insisted upon. Same characters, same concept of a talking/advanced car, different development."

Click here for the full report.