Silver Still Struggles with "Wonder Woman"

by | March 27, 2007 | Comments

With the departure of female empowerment guru Joss Whedon from the "Wonder Woman" film, producer Joel Silver is at a loss for how to bring the amazon heroine to the big screen. But he hasn’t given up.

"I mean, we’re struggling with it, but we’ll fix it," Silver asserted. "We’ll solve it."

He would not specify where Whedon got stuck. "I don’t know, we’ve got to find a way; we just couldn’t, we just struggled with it, we couldn’t find a way into it."

The producer did speculate on the possible inclusion of Wonder Woman in a "Justice League" movie, and his general hope for DC characters to dominate the big screen like Marvel’s have.

"For years now, Marvel’s just been kicking the DC Comics’ characters ass. They’ve been killing them. And look, I don’t know if that’s because the Marvel characters are more self deprecating and more they twist on the super hero character. But I mean, DC is the foundation of the super hero character. They’re where it came from. Watchmen is more in the Marvel direction, but I would hope that we can bring some of these DC characters. They’re doing the new Batman now, and I hope they can do another Superman, I hope we can figure out Wonder Woman, I hope they make Justice League. I hope we can do a lot of these characters, cause I think it’s good to get them out there, and I’d like to try to win that war."