Robert Englund Evicted from Elm Street?

"Industry sources" say the studios are looking for a new face under Freddy's fedora.

by | February 5, 2008 | Comments

That Nightmare on Elm Street reboot is still on — but it sounds like it might be time for Robert Englund to finally pack away his ratty old sweater and razor-tipped glove for good.

According to a report from ShockTillYouDrop, “a number of industry sources” have informed the site that none of the early discussions regarding the new Nightmare, which is being produced by New Line in conjunction with Michael Bay‘s Platinum Dunes imprint, include plans for Englund to reprise the role that made him famous. From the article:

The franchise facelift includes discovering a new actor to polish up the finger knives and play the iconographic dream role Englund has practically made his second skin since ’84.

Bad news for Englund? Perhaps, but it’s hard to imagine him slapping on the burn makeup again for anything but the money, and he’s hopefully got enough Nightmare residuals to keep him from taking paycheck roles. Either way, it seems the decision has been made, which means there’s only one thing left to do: Speculate as to who might make a good “new” Freddy Krueger. Ready, set, go!

Source: ShockTillYouDrop