Nicolas Cage Is The Wrestler?

From a bear suit to Day-Glo spandex and lace-up boots?

by | October 12, 2007 | Comments

We know Nicolas Cage can act. But can he take a folding chair to the back of the head?

In the most wonderful piece of casting news since the magical phrase “Hasselhoff Anaconda sequels” was uttered, The Hollywood Reporter has announced that Cage is in talks to star in The Wrestler, described as an “indie drama” from screenwriter Robert Siegel. The synopsis, from the article, is as follows:

The film, now in development at Darren Aronofsky‘s Protozoa Pictures, centers on Randy “The Ram” Robinson, a 1980s-era star pro wrestler who has become a burnt-out shell of his former self. After he has a heart attack during a small-time match, a doctor tells him he could die if he fights again.

In an effort to build a new life, Robinson takes a job at a deli, moves in with an aging stripper and tries to build a relationship with her son. But the prospect of a rematch with his old nemesis the Ayatollah proves too tempting to resist, even if it means risking his life.

Protozoa’s involvement suggests that Aronofsky could be in line to direct, a possibility the Reporter said “could not be confirmed at press time.”

Source: The Hollywood Reporter