Jason Reitman Attached to Jennifer's Body

Juno director to co-produce comedic horror flick.

by | November 13, 2007 | Comments

They struck critical gold with this fall’s Juno, and director Jason Reitman and writer Diablo Cody have already decided to team up again.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Reitman has signed on to produce the Cody-penned horror comedy Jennifer’s Body. From the article:

“Body” tells the story of a cheerleader who is possessed by a demon and starts feeding off the boys in a Minnesota farming town. Her “plain Jane” best friend must kill her, then escape from a correctional facility to go after the Satan-worshiping rock band responsible for the transformation.

“Comedy and horror have always been inescapable cousins,” Reitman said. “They both draw a similar type of storyteller, one who wants to manipulate the audience. Whether you want to make an audience laugh or you want to make an audience freak out, you’re looking for a similar firsthand relationship with the viewer where you are pushing them to react.”

Reitman and his producing partner, Dan Dubiecki, join a production that has already acquired a studio (Fox Atomic) and a star (Megan Fox).

Source: The Hollywood Reporter