George Lucas Donates $175m, Quits Movies, and Discusses "Indy 4"

by | October 5, 2006 | Comments

The somewhat wealthy George Lucas recently donated $175 million to the USC School of Cinematic Arts — after which he denounced the world of filmmaking and basically said "Now TELEVISION, that’s where it’s at!" Then he dropped a few new non-hints about "Indiana Jones 4" and went home to his 12 mansions.

From Variety: "The creator of "Star Wars," which stamped the template for the franchise-tentpole film, says many small films and Web distribution are the future. And in case anyone doubts he means it, Lucasfilm is getting out of the movie biz.

"We don’t want to make movies. We’re about to get into television. As far as Lucasfilm is concerned, we’ve moved away from the feature film thing because it’s too expensive and it’s too risky. "I think the secret to the future is quantity," Lucas said."

"Indiana Jones 4" is still in development. "Steve (Spielberg) and I are still working away, trying to come up with something we’re happy with. Hopefully, in a short time, we will come to an agreement. Or something," Lucas said, without a great deal of enthusiasm."

See, kids? THIS is what happens when you become a billionaire filmmaker. Don’t let it happen to you!