Friday Harvest: Avatar, Nightmare on Elm Street, and more!

This week's best pictures, posters, and video!

by | October 2, 2009 | Comments

Happy Friday Harvest, a weekly round-up of the
best pictures, posters, and videos that have become available for
viewing/download on Rotten Tomatoes. Each section features the favorite or most
interesting item we’ve
added for the week, along with several other new highlights. Enjoy!


Picture Gallery of the Week:

We’re treading ever closer towards Avatar‘s December 18 release
date, and with each new batch release of promo material, we can solidify our
expectations. The mechs look cool, the blue people are still very, um, blue,
and the shots of Sigourney Weaver almost guarantee this to be a badass
movie. Wait…is that Joel David Moore (of Grandma’s Boy and The
Hottie and the Nottie
) behind her? Never mind.
Browse the gallery

More New Pictures

Gentlemen Broncos
New pic-anous
Astro Boy
Latest animated images
Red Cliff
John Woo’s latest

Wild rumpus time
Whip It
Premiere gallery


Poster of the Week:

Capitalism: A Love Story

Let’s put aside all our opinions and thoughts on Michael Moore and enjoy
this Swiss poster of Capitalism on its own terms. It’s not too bad,
isn’t it? Clearly the designer was going for a Shepard Fairey/Obama poster
feel, using only strong icons and the colors of the American flag, though I
like the oppressive use of red, signaling Moore’s reliably fiery arguments.
View the poster.

More New Posters

From Vantage Point director

Stan Helsing
‘Nother horror spoof
The Crazies
Latest teaser poster
Fantastic Mr.

UK poster
New Moon
Edward needs some Visine


Video of the Week:

A Nightmare on Elm Street teaser

If Michael Bay is thinking about doing something smaller while producing
all these horror films and remakes, why doesn’t he just direct one himself
already? It’ll be compact, bloody, violent, and he’ll have an even better
excuse to film the midriffs of young nubile girls.
Watch the video.

More New Videos

The Princess and the Frog

First clip

A Christmas Carol

Two new trailers

A Serious Man

Serious clips


Video of the dead

Want to keep up to date on ALL the pictures, posters, and videos that are added to Rotten Tomatoes throughout the week? Then check out the
Trailers & Pictures page,
which is automatically updated as material is uploaded.