Fox Fast-Tracking the "Hills Have Eyes" Follow-Up

by | April 27, 2006 | Comments

If you dug Alexandre Aja‘s recent remake of Wes Craven‘s "The Hills Have Eyes," you’ll want to keep your eyes focused on the multiplexes next March, because that’s when Fox Searchlight wants the sequel to hit the screens. Craven and his son will provide the screenplay, while "Hills 2" will be directed by "Deathwatch" helmer Michael Bassett.

Straight from Fangoria: ""We want to continue the story of the miners," Craven tells us. "This time, a group of National Guard screw-ups come face to face with the mutants on their last day of training in the desert. We will take the audience underground [into the mines] as well. The studio, Fox Searchlight, wants the sequel out a year to the day after the last one, so we have to deliver our script in a matter of weeks … my son and I decided to write it ourselves, and we are hard at work," Craven says. "I wrote Last House on the Left in three days, so this shouldn’t be so tough."

…and the very good news: "The latest Hills 2 will ignore Craven’s own critically lambasted Hills sequel from 1985, dog flashback and all."

Check out Fangoria for the full scoop.