Downey Sheds Some Insight on "Iron Man"

by | November 15, 2006 | Comments

Of all the big comic book movies on the horizon, the one I’m most intrigued by is Jon Favreau‘s "Iron Man," which will star Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard, and a bunch of actors who haven’t been announced just yet. Downey’s been talking the project up recently, and here’s a taste of what the guy’s been saying.

From Access Hollywood: "In the comic book storyline, Iron Man’s alter ego has a darker side that deals with alcoholism. "If you look back through Marvel’s history, he’s probably the most ambiguous," he notes. Whether it’s intentional or just coincidental, Downey’s very public past problems with substance abuse will no doubt bring an underlying art imitates life nuance to the film. Though Downey is quick to point out, "That really doesn’t come in until much later in the series. It’s more that he’s just conflicted about his past."

Click here for the full article.