"Death Proof" Has a DVD Date; "Planet Terror" Does Not

by | June 12, 2007 | Comments

Yeah, you knew the Weinsteins were going to do it this way: One half of "Grindhouse" will be out on DVD this September. Another will not.

Sources indicate that Quentin Tarantino‘s "Death Proof" will hit DVD on September 18th. No word yet on if it will be the U.S. "Grindhouse" version or the longer cut that played in Cannes. Heck, we don’t even know if all the "fake trailers" will be included.

Ignored yet again is the more amusing half of the double feature: Robert Rodriguez‘ "Planet Terror" has not been announced for DVD just yet, but we should be hearing something soon.

Source: Cinematical, Bloody-Disgusting.com