
See the Full List of RT Publications with Historical Reviews

by | November 6, 2020 | Comments

Our curation team is digging through online archives and digital libraries to find reviews for classic films. Below is a list of the sources with historical reviews — a list that continues to grow as we add more newspapers and magazines from the past to our pool of archival sources. Click through to read some of our latest finds.

The Age (AU)
Arizona Republic
Associated Press
Austin American-Statesman
Bay Area Reporter
Big Mama Rag
Baltimore Afro-American
Baltimore Sun
Boston Globe
Boxoffice Magazine
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Buffalo News
California Eagle
Chicago Examiner
Chicago Reader
Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago Tribune
Christian Science Monitor
Courier Mail (AU)
Daily Telegraph (AU)
Daily Telegraph (UK)
Detroit Free Press
Film Comment Magazine
The Film Daily
Financial Times
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Gannett News Service
Harrison’s Reports
Hartford Courant
Hollywood Reporter
Kansas City Star
The Lesbian Tide
Life Magazine
Los Angeles Free Press
Los Angeles Times
Maclean’s Magazine
Mercury (AU)
Miami Herald
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Montreal Gazette
Motion Picture Herald (Exhibitors Herald)
Motion Picture News
Motion Picture Magazine
Moving Picture World
The Nation
The New Masses
The New Republic
New York Clipper
New York Daily News
New York Magazine
New York Post
New York Review of Books
New York Times
New York Tribune
New Yorker
New Zealand Herald
The Nippu Jiji (Hawaii)
Observer (UK)
ONE magazine
Orange County Register
El Pais (Spain)
People Magazine
Philadelphia Gay News
Philadelphia Inquirer
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Rolling Stone
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Salt Lake Tribune
Santa Cruz Sentinel
Shin Nichibei/New Japanese American News
Sight and Sound
Sunday Times (AU)
Sunday Times (UK)
Sun-Herald (AU)
Sydney Morning Herald
Tampa Bay Times
Texas Monthly
TIME Magazine
Times (UK)
Transgender Tapestry
Vanity Fair
La Vanguardia (Spain)
Washington Post
Washington Star
Winnipeg Free Press

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