Author Profile

Joseph Kastner

<b>Age:</b> 17 <b>Relationship Status:</b> Single <b>Current Place of Education:</b> Marquette University <b>Favorite Vacation Spot:</b> Walt Disney World <b>Last Visit to WDW:</b> June 8th - 14th, 2004 <b>Next Visit to WDW:</b> 2005 I started off with <b>MickeyMoose's House of Mouse</b> back in August 2001 focusing on the four Walt Disney World. Eventually the site added sections on Disneyland and Disney films. This is when <b>The Moose Hole</b> was born. By August 2002, <b>The Moose Hole</b> had outgrown its current surroundings and it moved to a much better Geocities server. Once again, we grew too big for our own good and we happily, with the help of Microsoft Frontpage, moved the site to its current server. <b>The Moose Hole</b> is now celebrating its second year on the web and its been growing bigger more then ever. The current version of the site has over 54 movies reviews, several product and poster stores, a DVD Department, movie trailers, and much more. Why don't you check us out and discover something for yourself.