Snyder & Co. Finish Up Their "Watchman" Screenplay

by | October 6, 2006 | Comments

If there’s one young filmmaker who’s poised to become a huge fanboy-favorite, it’s gotta be Mr. Zack Snyder. After winning over most of the skeptics with his "Dawn of the Dead" remake, the guy poured a whole lot of effort into the seriously cool-looking "300." And after that? Oh, he’s just adapting a little comic series called "Watchmen."

From IGN FilmForce: "Director Zack Snyder has revealed what’s going on with his planned big-screen version of the classic graphic novel Watchmen.

"We’re getting ready to turn a script that we like into the studio," Snyder said. "They’re pretty excited about it…I think the script that Alex (Tse) has done for us is the closest to the graphic novel it’s been [since development started], for better or for worse. I feel like Alex has done an awesome job. It’s keeping all the things that are cool about the comic."

Click here for the rest of the article.