Shocking! "Saw 3" May Not Screen for Press??

by | October 2, 2006 | Comments

The guys over at seem a little bit surprised at the revelation that Lionsgate’s "Saw 3" will probably not screen for press prior to its release date — but I’m not. If 2006 has taught us one thing, it’s that the studios will often try to hold their horror flicks until opening day — mainly because most film critics can’t be bothered with torture-heavy horror flicks.

From the conjecture at "Word is that "Saw 3" will not be screening for the press. Uh can you say bad sign? I loved "Saw," "Saw 2" not so much but it was still a good horror movie despite what I feel was a lackluster ending. With that all said and done, today when attempting to RSVP for "Saw 3" screeenings we got told that it is very unlikely that "Saw 3" will have any screenings. I should probably add that I have not spoken with LGF to confirm this but I intend to try and get them to answer my emails."

I’ve not seen anything regarding "Saw 3" from my local publicists, although I do hope they screen the flick before its 10/27 release date — cuz I’m one of those geeky film critics who actually DO like nastified horror flicks.