New Director Lined Up for "Saw 4"?

by | January 5, 2007 | Comments

Each new "Saw" movie must be a marathon of stress for the production team, what with having to churn out a fresh sequel in time for every Halloween — and with only about ten months to go, it looks like Lionsgate MIGHT have found their next helmer.

According to a report at it’s a guy named David Hackl who could very well be the director on "Saw 4." No he’s not a big name or anything, but he was the second unit director on "Saw 3" and the production designer on "Saw 2." So this would be a pretty logical promotion for Mr. Hackl.

At least the producers are trying to promote from within the "Saw" family, which should keep the fans happy. (Like me.) Although I’m still seriously skeptical about where they’re gonna take this third sequel — and if they go the prequel route I might get annoyed.