Indiana Jones and the Marketing Onslaught

by | June 19, 2007 | Comments

Get ready for a full-court promotional push once "Indiana Jones 4" gets a bit closer to release date.

According to Variety, a ton of companies are lining up to get a piece of the "Indy" pie. Lucasfilm is rather busy keeping them all in line, but be sure to keep your eye out for "Indy" products from Hallmark, Burger King, Mars, Hasbro, Lego, Random House, etc., etc. Of course there’ll be tons of books and video games and Pez dispensers too!


"It’s been 19 years since the last film, and we are sensing a huge pent-up demand for everything Indy," said Howard Roffman, prexy of Lucas Licensing, which is overseeing the deals. "The people who grew up with Indiana Jones have become today’s parents."

…and it’s our job to separate them from as much of their money as legally possible.

Source: Variety