Crudup to Join "Watchmen"?

by | July 10, 2007 | Comments

Its release date is still listed as "TBA 2008," but director Zack Snyder‘s adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ classic "Watchmen" graphic novel is already kicking up all kinds of dust on the news/gossip circuit (as in, um, our very own newsdesk).

We’ve been breathlessly reporting on the early cast speculation — Keanu Reeves is out, but Patrick Wilson is pretty much confirmed, and he just might be joined by Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jeremy Irons and others. Among those "others"? "Almost Famous" and "Big Fish" star Billy Crudup.

Crudup in last year’s "The Good Shepherd"

This news comes courtesy of CHUD, whose Devin Faraci reports that "a very reliable source" has confirmed Crudup’s casting as Jon Osterman, the nuclear physicist who gets all blowed up and comes out the other side as the freaky blue-skinned super-being known as Dr. Manhattan. Names previously attached to the role have included Reeves and Jason Patric, but — Reeves’ natural gift for the wooden detachment intrinsic to the part notwithstanding — Crudup might just be the best choice.

It’s all still conjecture at this point, of course, but as CHUD notes, Snyder will be on hand at Comic Con at the end of the month, and is expected to make some official casting announcements. If even half of the names that have been floated for this movie end up actually signing on, "Watchmen" will give "Iron Man" a run for its money as next year’s Comic Book Adaptation Most Likely to Be Thoroughly Awesome.

Source: CHUD