Captain Jack Wants His Records Back: "Pirates 3" to Open Early

by | May 9, 2007 | Comments

The good news is that us "Pirates" junkies can get our next fix a little bit earlier than previously expected. The bad news is that it’s only by a few hours.

Desperately pulling out every trick in the book in an effort to re-claim the box office records from "Spider-Man," Captain Jack Sparrow has decided to dock his third movie just a little bit early … four or five hours early, to be precise.

Word is that Disney will unleash "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End" on Thursday the 24th, starting around 8pm. I wonder if Thursday night screenings would lead to an asterisk in the record books should "Pirates 3" have a bigger opening weekend that "Spider-Man 3." I mean … those midnight screenings technically start on Friday, so they definitely count. But Thursday at 8? C’mon, that’s kind of a cheat.

"Anyone busy on Thursday night?"

Not that I’m complaining. I’ll be getting a couple of those Thursday night tickets as soon as I can. (And I’ll have already seen the flick by that point!)

Source: Variety