Zemeckis & Lasseter to Deliver CG "John Carter of Mars"?

by | February 9, 2007 | Comments

OK, a whole bunch of bloggers are falling all over each other to report this "speculation," but if they’re on to something, it’s a pretty big story. Well, a big story for movie geeks, anyway. Not an important news story like a fire or a basketball game, obviously.

Film ick is reporting that Robert Zemeckis and Disney’s John Lasseter will collaborate to present Edgar Rice Burroughs’ "John Carter of Mars" as a full-bore motion-capture CGI project — not unlike the movie magic you enjoyed in "The Polar Express" and "Monster House."

You’ll recall that "Carter" has long been discussed and attached to a variety of studios and filmmakers. (I believe Jon Favreau only came pretty close to getting it off the ground.) But obviously the CG arena is one where a movie like this could really flourish. So take it all as speculation at this point, but if it turns out to be true, score another one for the movie geek bloggers of the world.