Trailer Info on "Spider Man 3" & "28 Weeks Later"

by | March 22, 2007 | Comments

You "Spider" geeks will want to keep an eye on the Comcast website this Friday, because that’s when they’ll be showing off their exclusive "Spider-Man 3" trailer. And there’s also a little news on where you gorehounds can expect to see the first trailer for "28 Weeks Later."

That’s pretty much the long and the short of it: New "Spider-Man 3" trailer at this link on Friday, March 23rd. I’ll be there.

And regarding the trailer for the sequel to "28 Days Later" — it’ll be attached to the "Hills Have Eyes 2" prints that are posed to hit multiplexes this Friday. (They’re both Fox Atomic releases, after all.)

"SM3" opens May 4th. "28WL" hits on May 11th.

Sources: Comcast,