An Onslaught of "Hitchhiker's" Trailers!

by | March 1, 2005 | Comments

At first the "Hitchhiker" hounds had only a cute little teaser clip to keep them happy, but then we were given a pretty darn nifty U.S. trailer, and the Douglas Adams lunatics (yes, including me) were quite pleased indeed. Just a few days ago this truly excellent internet-exclusive trailer hit the scene, and again, there was much rejoicing. And now comes this UK trailer clip, too! Even more good news (aside from the fact that this adaptation looks like the bee’s proverbial knees) is that "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy" has been moved up a few days, which means that you and your dolphin friends can now catch the flick on April 29th. So don’t panic! (Thanks to Sky Movies and for their exclusive goodies!)