WILL & GRACE, 'Bacon and Eggs', Kevin Bacon,Sean Hayes, (Season 5, aired 10/03/02), 1998-2006

by | September 26, 2017

WILL & GRACE, 'Bacon and Eggs', Kevin Bacon,Sean Hayes, (Season 5, aired 10/03/02), 1998-2006

13. 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

(“Bacon and Eggs, season 5, episode 2)

Jack starts stalking actor Kevin Bacon, only to be accidentally hired as his assistant and charged with finding Bacon’s stalker (who is actually Jack). When Jack brings Will along with him to stalk Bacon again, they get caught and Jack throws Will under the bus as the stalker and runs for it. It turns out, however, Kevin Bacon is excited to meet his stalker because it means his career isn’t dead. It’s always great when celebrities can make fun of themselves.