Outlander Season 3

by | September 7, 2017

Sam Heughan in Outlander (Starz)

Jamie Fraser
(Sam Heughan)

Jamie exists in only one time period in season 3, but it spans decades, which was a challenge for Heughan because the show doesn’t want to rely too heavily on using makeup to age up the characters.

“[Aging] was more about the experiences happening to him, about shutting down from the world. He’s a charming, capable, and forward-thinking man, and I wanted to see him shut down and lose that spark and that energy to him, so he’s got more weight to him,” Heughan said.

“Physically he’s not as proud. He’s sort of — his presence is slightly diminished, but it’s all due to the fact of losing Claire, losing his life, so hopefully we should see him rebuild back to the man that he was, just slightly older and a few more lines,” Heughan said.