Take a Look at the "Almighty" Carell

by | May 8, 2006 | Comments

USA Today has a first-look peek at a biblical-looking Steve Carell from his upcoming comedy "Evan Almighty," which is sort of a sequel to "Bruce Almighty," but not really.

"For the first half of ‘Evan Almighty’, the star of NBC’s ‘The Office‘ (Thursdays, 9:30 ET/PT) cements his status as a rising movie lead as a preening politico who uproots his family to the D.C. area. Summoned by a prayer, God materializes before the self-absorbed Evan Baxter, insisting he build an ark before a great flood arrives. Though Evan initially resists, he is unable to contain his hair growth, a spurt of biblical if not pubescent proportions.

"There are all different lengths of hair and beards, and each has a code name," says Carell, shown sporting his final transformation as Noah in an exclusive first-look photo from the June 2007 release."

And you can see that pic by clicking right here.